Film Resort


Producer: Joonatan Allandi / Delfi TV

Writer: Piia Osula / Joonatan Allandi

Videography / editing / motion graphics: Kadri Nikopensius

Explainer video about how much road distance it takes to pass a slow car with 90km/h

Sensor / Tln-Trt mnt

Režissöör/toimetaja: Piia Osula

Monteerija/liikuv graafika: Kadri Nikopensius

Operaator: Georg Madis Puhm

Produtsent: Joonatan Allandi, Delfi TV

Sensor / Kuidas meediat valitseda?

Režissöör/toimetaja: Piia Osula

Monteerija/liikuv graafika: Kadri Nikopensius

Operaator: Kadri Nikopensius

Produtsent: Joonatan Allandi, Delfi TV

How many cars travel on the Tallinn-Tartu motorway daily in one hour?

How many accidents occur during passings on the Tallinn-Tartu motorway?

The number of vaccinated people is rising annually.

How much of the Estonian population gets vaccinated against the flu annually?

Women’s health apps analyze their data monthly and gather information about their menstrual cycle.

What is more important: a phone reminder about your cycle or gathering your personal data and sharing it with others?

This is the Tallinn-Tartu motorway.

There are a lot of students in a single class in an average Estonian school.

There are 14 000 new apartments being built in Tallinn, but not a single new schoolhouse.

What is more important: business interests and money or family and living environment?